You have what it takes to change your life
let things go and be at peace
release what keeps you stuck
accept you are worthy to succeed
and trust you have support and guidance
About the Map
Soul Life Treasure Hunt is a map that is a labor of love, tears, pain, and healing. It is a culmination of each hardship I’ve encountered and the ways I have had to overcome them using creativity, a lot of outside help, and learning to trust in my own resourcefulness.
I believe this map can be the tool you need to discover your own inner strength and be the compass to guide you onto the path you seek with confidence.

Growing up, I had always been taught that to get what you want in life, the solution is to work harder.
If you are not succeeding, you are not working hard enough…or so I believed.
I had grand, wonderful ambitions, and I threw myself into reaching them.
So, when I inevitably experienced failure, I believed that somehow, I must not have been giving it my all.
I tried other avenues, everything I could think of, unwilling to give up. I took on new routines, sought spiritual growth, and put in even more hours toward my goals. These also resulted in failure. Eventually, the lack of success piled up, leaving me feeling incapable and unworthy of the dreams I was fighting to achieve.
I was working hard. I was doing everything I could, but further efforts left me stuck. This deeply ingrained belief of hard work became damaging, and my self-confidence took a nosedive.
There were times when I felt hopelessly lost and crippled with anxiety, like maybe I just wasn’t meant to have the things I wanted.
Eventually, I reached a point where I was forced to question whether there was something deeper at play. Enough was enough!
Something inside me was blocking my dreams and goals from coming to fruition, and I was determined to find out what that was.
I knew I needed something more than just working harder to feel like my heart and soul were thriving.
But how would I find it?
Around that time, a miracle happened. Grandchildren arrived, tiny bundles of curiosity and joy ready to explore the world. As I watched them grow, I began to notice the way they tackled new problems. They weren’t weighed down with insecurity or indecision, and didn’t focus on the times they would fall—at least, not for long!
Every moment, to them, was an opportunity to discover a new, beautiful thing to learn about. Seeing this innocent and direct approach to life, watching the way they would relish their victories rather than be held back by the defeats, I felt my perspective shift.

It was then that I learned several things:
There are other ways to guarantee health, wealth, and feelings of security than working harder.
There are so many lessons to be learned in nature, if one only knows how to listen.
It is vital to let go and allow yourself to have fun. Saying, “I’ll let loose once I’ve succeeded” is denying yourself the enjoyment of the journey in favor of the destination.
There is more value in noticing the joys in life than there is trying to cram in more work. Often many elements of the life you want are already present.
My grandchildren were not finished teaching me, however. The more I engaged with them, the more I noticed the power of playing games. Their faces would bloom in happiness when they puzzled out a new concept. Games introduced new ways of thinking creatively in a low stress, no-pressure environment and taught things like teamwork and looking at other angles. Failure wasn’t important; now you just know what not to do next time!
Real life for me, at that point, felt like a collection of playing other people’s games, ones where you were bound by rules that constantly changed and my game piece kept getting set back to “start.” I had been playing for so long, and it was exhausting.
Striving to find happiness in playing these made me wonder how I could play my own. I wanted a game plan map that would help me figure out the path forward in the carefree ways my grandchildren enjoyed, where the failures could be just as fun as the successes.
I developed a board to see my challenges laid out in front of me.
I wrote out a set of cards to give my thoughts a gentle push toward new ideas and perspectives.
Finally, I wrote a guide, one with many ways to play depending on what suited me for each question I had.
I wanted a deeper personal connection to my benevolent “Higher Self” guide, to learn to trust myself and become able to approach problems with confidence and inspiration.
This life game plan map became a tool that ended up teaching myself and others far more than I had anticipated.
Playing with it unraveled tough issues and revealed areas of my life where I was already greatly succeeding. Allowing myself to relax and have fun with life brought me a sense of balance and harmony.
It ended up being exactly what I needed.
Now, I want to share that wonderful feeling with you.
If you’re looking to:
- Bolster your self-confidence and tap into your intuition
- Sort through a variety of options about how to proceed on a goal or situation
- Explore the spiritual connection side of your nature
- Feel more vibrant, creative, and free to pursue your dreams…
…then this game plan map is for you.
You deserve to live your best life. You can connect your heart, soul, and mind into a relationship with self-love, and trust that you can overcome the obstacles set in your path.
Let’s take this journey together!