As a baby boomer generation, I remember the confusion and turmoil of the sixties. The world didn’t feel safe, and the problems felt overwhelming. For me, it feels like we are full circle again–reviewing, protesting, and making a difference from a more open discussion around integrity and ethics. Having a balanced viewpoint amidst all of that can be truly challenging.
Without a doubt, this year could be accurately described as “chaotic.” In 2020 alone, the world has experienced wildfires, “murder hornets,” possible UFO sightings, a pandemic, and a major movement. The basic way in which we interact with others has changed, now that safety has become an issue. It can be exhausting for even the strongest of us.

We’ve seen communities banding together, solid bonds between strangers woven, and heroic feats performed by doctors and nurses. Through this trying time, we have seen some of the very best of humanity.
Sadly, we’ve also seen fights between families, political storms, and riots as people struggle for recognition and equality to move forward into a better world. Change is not easy, and often it can divide us.
In the past weeks I have had some tough conversations with my friends and family as we navigated through what’s happening in the world and learned our roles in it. Sometimes we agreed–other times not.

One of the things that stood out most to me in these discussions was that for those issues nearest to our hearts, emotions run especially high, and it can be a true test to not let it affect our closest relationships.
Keeping a balanced viewpoint during tension can be very difficult to achieve, and is an impressive accomplishment if you manage it.
Moving forward with light and love does not always have a clear path. When the going gets tough, keeping these tips in mind may make for an easier transition.
Be willing to research.
Think about the social media you use, and the news outlets you follow. Facebook, for example, has a very intuitive algorithm that tends to show us material we agree with. Our friends, while amazing systems of support and love, can also be echo chambers, where everyone shares the same feelings and opinions. The more people agree with you, the more it can seem like the stance you hold is the obvious correct path. One dissenting voice in a sea of others that match your views is not so loud.
This is why it is so crucial to question your sources of information. Are your news outlets known for leaning heavily to one side politically? Do they have a reason to present the news in a certain way?
There is a fantastic chart by Ad Fontes Media that takes the most popular news sources and shows you where they lie in terms of bias and accuracy. I highly recommend taking a look and finding yours!

Research goes a little deeper than that, however. The world changes around us constantly, and new information comes to light all the time. Things that were true ten years ago (even five!) may no longer apply.
In the last rather heated argument within my family, both sides eventually realized they had been arguing points that they hadn’t considered anything new on for years. We decided to look up articles together to see if anything had changed, and were startled to realize some of our views were outdated or didn’t include the full picture of events taking place! If we had taken the time to make sure our info was up to date, we might have avoided that conversation altogether.
Ask questions! Be curious! But also be kind, especially to yourself. If you find yourself in the wrong, don’t beat yourself up for it. It’s impossible to stay current on every new piece of news.
Given new information, try to ask yourself: does this fit with what I believe so far? Do any of my own beliefs need to be questioned? It is an amazing and wonderful thing to be able to truly look at long-held stances and be willing to examine them.
Many of us fear change, worrying that our foundations will be shaken and we won’t know how to proceed without a belief that has carried us through life for so long. However, change is a beautiful thing. The birth of new ideas comes with possibilities and new directions. Embracing change and creating a balanced viewpoint is a skill, one that gets better over time.

Consider other perspectives to build your balanced viewpoint.
The phrase “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” has never been more relevant. With today’s issues on equality, many people are now hearing about situations they’ve never encountered before. No matter our background, there are things we have never, and will never, experience as a result of our own upbringing.
When love wins, we all win. Love, aka kindness, mercy, patience, etc. is the measuring tool we can use to intuitively choose our choices and actions. If we would be happy, grateful, honored to receive the same understanding and compassion from others as we dish out, or have been given, then we have a place to start in paying it forward.
Remember the people who love you, and consider their life experiences. Does what feels true for them make sense to you? Can you react with empathy and love, even if your thoughts don’t match?
Take lots of time for self-care.
Handling all of the trials of 2020 is mentally and emotionally taxing. It can be hard to keep up with each new piece of news, news that is often beyond our control to change. A quote floating around the internet by Tim Grierson, a film critic, particularly resonated with me:
“Being angry all the time is exhausting and corrosive. Not being angry feels morally irresponsible.”
Sometimes, to preserve our own sanity, enough is enough for a while. Unplug. Walk away from the stress and mental anguish until you feel strong enough to catch up again.
Set boundaries for when you can no longer continue with stressful conversations. Don’t be afraid to gently let people know when you don’t have the energy for that kind of talk now. It’s okay! If that sounds a bit confrontational, don’t worry, it doesn’t have to be. We have a post on doing that kindly and lovingly here.

Breathe. With any luck, much of this will pass. Try to stay grounded as much as you can. We are children and grandchildren who inherited a world of hurt and injustices, and have the power to see it from a balanced viewpoint and do something better now.
There is a layout of life truths in relationship, or connection, to all that is and around us. If you need help unraveling your own thoughts and feelings and unlocking your inner truths, the Soul Life Treasure Hunt game can be a wonderful tool to see past obstacles in your way to expose the light within. The Board helped me see my moral compass more clearly so I didn’t feel so lost in conflicting feelings and teachings, which has done wonders for navigating through this tumultuous year. All roads lead to the power of unconditional love.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this, and hear your methods of breaking free of your own internal battles. Feel free to leave a comment below!