What Makes Life Feel Exceptional

What Makes Life Feel Exceptional

An exceptional life is often defined as having a sense of personal happiness from every area of life; a satisfying balance between responsibilities and enjoyment. Feeling at peace with whatever experiences life holds.     I think of peace as something that...
Keeping a Balanced Viewpoint

Keeping a Balanced Viewpoint

As a baby boomer generation, I remember the confusion and turmoil of the sixties. The world didn’t feel safe, and the problems felt overwhelming. For me, it feels like we are full circle again–reviewing, protesting, and making a difference from a more open...
Breaking Generational Cycles

Breaking Generational Cycles

A while back, my mother and I had a talk about her upbringing, and about the concept of generational cycles. She and her baby sister had lost their mother at a very young age, and were put into the care of their grandmother instead. While there were many bright,...
Setting Boundaries in a Healthy Way

Setting Boundaries in a Healthy Way

What do you think of when you hear the words, “setting boundaries”? Is it a positive or negative thing to you? People may assume they are sharp lines you only set for problematic people in your life. Some only lay them down when they are at a boiling point, and this...

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