An exceptional life is often defined as having a sense of personal happiness from every area of life; a satisfying balance between responsibilities and enjoyment. Feeling at peace with whatever experiences life holds.

I think of peace as something that happens with you, not for you. You don’t make peace, you make yourself available to it and ready for it. Peace doesn’t extend outward from you, it grows inward from you. When you are ready for it, you can recognize it. It’s like a big deep breath. It’s like falling asleep or waking up. Peace is like a big exhale after holding your breath for a long time. It’s like finally sitting down to rest. It’s like an open window letting in a cool breeze after a long, sweltering day. Like finally seeing how everything fits together and knowing what to do. Peace isn’t someplace you go or something you do, it’s a way of getting ready to receive the blessings of the universe.

Learning how to achieve happiness on your own terms, knowing your values, and practicing gratitude can bring a focus of contentment at a deeply personal level.
Also, being very clear on your definition of Balance is vitally important. Take time right now to reflect on where in your life you are experiencing the following states of being:
1. Surviving
2. Thriving
3. Happiness
From the list above, now write how each makes you feel. For instance, are you hopeful and able to see a pathway to greater experiences? Let’s say you have listed areas in your life where you are merely surviving, just doing what is expected of you — a job, education, raising a family. A great way to shift any feelings of less than pure happiness is to see a greater reason than day-to-day getting by. When you can see a purpose that thrills your heart, it is easier to be patient and apply yourself to the tasks at hand with more positivity as you remind yourself you are on the way to an exciting fulfillment; perhaps your job or education could lead to a career opportunity. Or, seeing through a challenging responsibility offers potential for creating more love and joy in your life.
Achieving your happiness balance takes self-awareness and willingness to shift your perspective, and being open to new possibilities.
The simple answer to the question of what is happiness is that happiness is a state of mind where all your emotional needs are met and you feel content. The challenge comes from the fact that we are often unclear as to what our emotional needs are. While you can’t predict happiness, you can become happier by trying to find out what makes you happy and then practicing those activities more often.

There is no single formula for everyone because we are unique individuals living unique lifestyles and perspectives that are ours alone. However, we all share common needs on the healthy physical and emotional level, and the desire for feeling part of something more meaningful, whether it is a sense of purpose or belonging. All these factors are part of the equation you will use to calculate your own ideas of what happiness means to you. What is especially interesting, is discovering no matter where you are right now, there is another level of possibilities available to you. So, always stay hopeful, curious, and explore.
You may be asking, “How can I figure out where I am on the scale of happiness and balance in my life?”
I am excited to share with you a quick 10-minute quiz designed to help determine what is causing you to feel held back from feeling contentment in your circumstances right now. You will be able to view a video and read more about your results to receive some tips that will assist in finding a bit more happiness right away. Go to:
If you need more information and would like further insights, be sure to scroll down to the button at the end of your Quiz Results page for a special offer to dive more deeply into the answers you seek.
Balance is an essential component of your daily life, not just because it will help you live a longer and healthier life, but also because it will make you happier.

Know you are not alone, as I have stated before, we are children and grandchildren who inherited a world of hurt and injustices. There is always hope because we have the power to see it from a balanced viewpoint, make changes and do something better now.
There is a layout of life truths in relationships and connections to all that is and around us. If you need help unraveling your own thoughts and feelings and unlocking your inner truths, the Soul Life Treasure Hunt game can be a wonderful tool to see past obstacles in your way to expose the light within. The Board helped me see my moral compass more clearly so I didn’t feel so lost in conflicting feelings and teachings, which has done wonders for navigating through many issues I once thought were blocks to my experiencing an exceptional life. What I now know and am excited to share with everyone is the truth that All roads lead to the power of unconditional love.
I would love to hear your thoughts on this and hear your methods of breaking free of your own internal blocks. Feel free to leave a comment below!