Bringing out your inner sensitive hero can be hard.
2020 has certainly been a test of our compassion, confidence, and resilience.
If you’re anything like me, your emotions have run an entire roller coaster as one month careens into the next. Life has become a series of twists and turns. Some days you might feel like you’re just along for the ride rather than truly being in control.
There may be times where you feel so sensitive, the smallest thing could set you off.
Other times, you’re left desensitized, and emotionally exhausted. There’s so much to focus on. Your soul has done so much feeling that it is utterly burned out.

You’ve heard the phrase, “there is nothing to fear but fear itself.” During the mad scrambling for balance and the rush to stock up on necessary items, I’ve been forced to take a look at my own reactions during these stressful times. Am I keeping a balanced viewpoint? Am I letting fear rule me?
How much has my fear taken me down some really costly roads?
I’ve stockpiled things I didn’t really need.
But what did I fill within my own being? How did I take care of my inner self?
I found many things that weren’t so obviously valuable, but were far more important to my health and well-being. Rather than being material objects, these were usually ideas and areas I could grow.
I had to get in touch with my own inner guidance and give myself the gift of strength.
That’s where S/HERO comes in.

So what is a Sensitive Hero?
In finding that strength, that’s the connection with your divine self, sensing that you have the power and support to get through anything.
This is the concept of S/HERO, the Sensitive Hero in all of us. It takes a look at two parts of you that come together to make up what I call the Divine Coupling.
What is the Divine Coupling?
This coupling is made of two parts: the “He” and the “She.” So at the same time, you have both HERO and SHERO. Each part has a different function, but when aligned the two together can elevate you to joy and success.
The HERO side of you is the action taker, defending and protecting. This part is responsible for reacting and taking care of immediate needs, making quick judgments of right and wrong.
In these decisions, the HERO is seeing the bigger picture, doing the best for all concerned. He relates to all, the collective “one.”
HERO, in the case of the Divine Coupling, stands for:
Experience (of all)
Relating to

Then, for the other side:
The SHERO is the gentler, more personal side, responsible for creativity and transformation. This is where the results of the decisions made by the HERO become wonderful new changes in life.
The SHERO brings more beauty, more flow, more grace. What else does it bring into your existence? You must find this for yourself.
This archetype strives to enhance the safety and security the HERO has built by adding greater:
- Understanding (education and research)
- Unity (inclusivity and awareness)
- Harmony (organization and networking)
- Support (provisions and protections)
The arts and sciences are the realm of our SHERO, and include all things that you could say give life “meaning” and “make life worth living.”
So SHERO means:
Relating to

Now, by categorizing these two halves of the divine coupling as “he” and “she,” this does not necessarily mean we are talking about men and women, or even the masculine and feminine.
Think of it more like a dance; one leads, and the other follows. Both are necessary in a sensitive hero to make the dance perfect.
The part that can get tricky is making those two things flow and work together.
It is possible to be strong in both parts of the Divine Coupling. You can be very much in touch with the decision-making, action-based side while also having strength in the transformative side.
However, if these two parts of the divine coupling aren’t in harmony, then they won’t create the best uplifting, elevating dance they are reaching for. It is a dance of give and receive, ebb and flow, lead and flourish.

How can I unite my HERO and SHERO sides?
First, there needs to be agreement from both sides that the dance is together.
You must discover what to focus on and make decisions based on that. Let your inner HERO lead.
The transformation comes as a result; in the dance, it follows.
The moves in this dance are made up of many things. They are the choices we make in our:
- marriages
- communities
- families
In a marriage, for example, it’s important to know when one person can lead and when they can follow. Sometimes this means making the decision to set boundaries. Other times it means stepping back and allowing for personal growth and change.
The masculine and the feminine both can do that for each other. Each serves one another, done beautifully in the light of love, with a design and purpose in mind.
They discover this together through honoring and respecting the strengths each provides within the structure of their embrace. They can create a relationship of ease, as though they are of one mind.
When this balance is struck, then the partnership creation far exceeds what either part can do alone.
This balance, and all the benefits that come with it, are what it means to be a Sensitive Hero.

What if I need help finding a balance as a sensitive hero?
We’re here for you.
In the S/HERO Self Confidence Connections Facebook group, you can fully explore the Sensitive Hero in yourself with a wonderful community of people on the same journey.
Our group can help you bring these two pieces together and fully step into your greatness. Keep the faith, cling to hope, and reach for betterment.
Another great way to ask the right questions is by using the Soul Life Treasure Hunt game, where you examine ideas using different viewpoints and concepts in the form of a board game. Sometimes seeing things right in front of you is all it takes to make valuable connections. I invite you to check it out!