Sensitive Hero: What Does it Mean to Be a S/HERO?

Sensitive Hero: What Does it Mean to Be a S/HERO?

Bringing out your inner sensitive hero can be hard.  2020 has certainly been a test of our compassion, confidence, and resilience. If you’re anything like me, your emotions have run an entire roller coaster as one month careens into the next. Life has become a...
Blueprint Your Life: Mapping Yourself Room By Room

Blueprint Your Life: Mapping Yourself Room By Room

This past month has been a time of intense change in the house.  The first thing I tackled was decluttering and putting everything in its place. Over the years, so much builds up!  The next order of business was starting some major home renovations, which are always a...
Setting Boundaries in a Healthy Way

Setting Boundaries in a Healthy Way

What do you think of when you hear the words, “setting boundaries”? Is it a positive or negative thing to you? People may assume they are sharp lines you only set for problematic people in your life. Some only lay them down when they are at a boiling point, and this...
What is LOVE anyway?

What is LOVE anyway?

Perhaps like me, you have found life to feel much like a treasure hunt, gathering bits and pieces, looking high and low in all sorts of places for something we call “love.” There are many perspectives on this subject, but the kind of love I want to focus on is the...

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