I’m so happy to announce that for the Sensitive Hero in all of us, we are opening up the Facebook Group, S/HERO Self Confidence Connections.
What is an S/Hero?
S/HEROs are those who have learned (or seek to learn!) a thing or two about connecting positively. They use love and compassion to balance the wild creature side of human nature with grace and fellowship. You can find a more in-depth explanation here.
What does the S/HERO group do?
The focus of this group is to support the empowerment of sensitive souls. Embracing that sensitivity rather than fighting to “toughen up” is the key to transforming ourselves and the world around us. Let’s build a healthier, more harmonious place.
Sensitive people often feel lost and confused in a world of egos driven by their competitive natures. Many times it can feel like we are victims in a cruel world, one that sees weakness in compassion and empathy.
In response, we try to toughen up only to feel guilt and shame when overstepping our own heart-centered boundaries. We can rationalize that we’re changing to adapt to the world around us. As a result, we can lose ourselves in the process.
We all have a Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine nature within us, and we need both on our journeys.
The Divine Masculine is the speedy action taker, while the Feminine is the quieter, long-term transformation-nurturer side of our being. This side takes care of body, mind, and soul-level comforts and needs.
We are seeing more need for the Divine Feminine answers to increasing tensions in our world. Because of this, it is time to help those who are a Sensitive Hero themselves, women and men who are interested in more balanced ways of being.
Join us!
Let’s help each other to usher in a gentler way of interacting with one another, respecting differences and appreciating the commonality we all share.
We invite all who resonate with these ideals to join our S/HERO Self-Confidence Connections Group.

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